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CR Healthcare holds 2024 first-quarter working meeting
TIME: 2024-04-17   【 A A A

On April 15, CR Healthcare held its first-quarter annual 2024 meeting. The Strategic Operation Department made the Operation Analysis Report, the finance department made the financial analysis report, and the Discipline Construction and innovation department made the discipline and innovation work report.

Ge Lu and Li Haitang commented on the first quarter operation of CR Healthcare. They fully affirmed the achievements, and hoped that CR healthcare combined with the “1 + 2” business portfolio to strengthen and optimize the business structure at all levels. We should strengthen the introduction and application of advanced equipment and AI and other innovative technologies to strengthen the building of core competitiveness. At the same time, we should strengthen market value management, and do a good job in the management of receivables to promote the healthy and high-quality development of CR Healthcare.

Chairman Song Qing deployment the follow-up work. first, we would anchore the full-year targets to ensure that the annual targets of high-quality achievement. Second, we would grasp the policy window period, to do a good job of equipment for the implementation of new policy research, and promote the implementation of related policies in medical institutions as soon as possible. Third, we would continue to strengthen innovation in science and technology and form a working mechanism that links up and down, and continue to strengthen the establishment and investment of research and innovation projects.

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