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CR Healthcare and Rongtong Medical signed a cooperation and co-construction agreement
TIME: 2024-01-17   【 A A A

On January 15, CR Healthcare and Rongtong Medical held a co-construction agreement signing ceremony in Beijing. Liu Ju, deputy general manager of CR Healthcare, and Zhong Liang, chief accountant of financial services of Rongtong Medical, attended the signing ceremony.


The signing of the agreement is an important step for the two companies to implement the spirit of the national health care system reform and promote the optimal allocation of medical resources. It fully reflects the responsibilities of the two central enterprises.

The two sides will use the signing of this agreement as an opportunity to further establish an“All-round, deep-seated and multi-form” cooperation model around the main business of medical and healthcare services. We would jointly promote the improvement of the efficiency of resource allocation , achieve win-win cooperation and high-quality development.

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